If you do choose to contact us, please send your email to [email protected] in English and the types of issues you have messaged us in the past are:
Bots – people who aren’t real members but adult videos are being broadcast as if they are the person in the video – we’ll remove them. If you happen to know who they are, in the sense of which adult performer they are using, we’d love to know that information too
Members complaining about others sending the same message every 5/10/15/20 minutes – we can ask them to stop, or remove them from the room if it continues
Members sending a spam message and then leaving – we can delete whatever the spam message is being sent and block them from being able to re-enter the room
Members sending messages that aren’t in English or bilingual and it seems nobody else is responding to them in that language and the member resends the same message again and again – we’ll ask them to send their message in English as well, but if they appear to be the only person speaking that language, then we can remove them from the room, or advise them how to setup a room in their first language