The Current Link(s)

Top news headline(s)

DateTop headline
17 February 2025Due to scammers having scammed a member, we’ve decided to change the password, the room number also needs to change 🙁

The latest room link is 6318 066 817

The password for this room is pulonium

17 February 2025Please be careful if your contacted by someone in the zoom room asking for money, usually $50, please contact the host or email us or via telegram on

4 February 2025Unfortunately the zoom room was tweeted on twitter again and we were contacted by zoom regarding this.

To avoid another room being killed off, we’ve created yet another room.

878 6602 0968 and the password is BrownRoom

Please check the “reset” countdown clock link above. Should help you make an alarm on your phone for your local time 🙂

Room Listings

"Our" rooms

Room for ....The link to that room ...
17 February 2025Due to scammers having scammed a member, we've decided to change the password, the room number also needs to change 🙁

The latest room link is 6318 066 817

The password for this room is pulonium

4 February 2025The latest room number is 878 6602 0968
Your new room herePlease email us with any new link so we can add it here

You can contact us by emailing and if you are looking for updates, don’t forget to refresh this page or email us if you know of any updates so we can keep other guys informed too!

Older domain names

The old domains we used and now redirect here.

Newbie Guide

If your new to the room(s), please have a look at the Newbie Guide.

World Clocks

The rooms are popular across the world, to help you know the time of other users, you’ll find the clocks for New York, London and Amsterdam (also covers France and Germany).

Click here to view/hide the new (potentially annoying) room reset countdown